10 Rupees, D-46, C RANGARAJAN, Inset Plain, Serial No 30H 831961-970, with bilingual inscriptions as “M K Gandhi” (instead Mahatma Gandhi), in ONE PACK TEN NOTES. UNC a rare and scare Gem.


“#SC/D46/F102” Rupees 10/-, ONE PACK (TEN NOTES), Inset PLAIN, Prefix 30H, all serially numbered out of Bundel of 100 Notes Serial No: 30H 831901 – 832000, (in red), respectively, Sign C RANGRAJAN. (22-12-1992 to 22-11-1997), all with portrait of Mahatma Gandhi with description as M. K. Gandhi. Design as per Scan “Image”, extremely rare and scare, EXTRA FINE, UNC @ highly discounted price (AND ON PURCHASES of all hundred select #SC/D46/F106 (Ten Pack together @ 9000/-) or contact on email info@vkshah.in. A limited period offer, Buyer will get the same Serially Numbered notes in seriatim order.

1 in stock


“#SC/D46/F102” Rupees 10/-, ONE PACK (TEN NOTES), Inset PLAIN, Prefix 30H, all serially numbered out of Bundel of 100 Notes Serial No: 30H 831901 – 832000, (in red), respectively, Sign C RANGRAJAN. (22-12-1992 to 22-11-1997), all with portrait of Mahatma Gandhi with description as M. K. Gandhi. Design as per Scan “Image”, extremely rare and scare, EXTRA FINE, UNC @ highly discounted price (AND ON PURCHASES of all hundred select #SC/D46/F106 (Ten Pack together @ 9000/-) or contact on email info@vkshah.in. A limited period offer, Buyer will get the same Serially Numbered notes in seriatim order.

Note: Items more than 100 years old cannot be taken out of India without the permission of the Director General, Archaeological Survey of India, Janpath, New Delhi-110011 Dismiss